

  • I make steel cut oatmeal on the wekeend in a big batch and then parsel out into smaller containers for the mornings. I just put in some water or skim milk and microwave the smaller container for a couple of minutes and I'm done fast and easy. I make my oatmeal with water to cut down on teh calories both when cooking it and…
  • one of my favorite meals that is very inexpensive is carrot soup. I buy a bag of carrots, peel and boil in water until soft. I usually throw in a small potato chunked up, and if I have some around a half link of portugese sausage (linquica or chorizo) in with the carrots. I then puree the whole thing (including the water…
  • I'm 5'2" and currently weigh 134, down 24 pounds since September from my high! Realistic goal is to get 115-120, but would love to get down to 110 and back at high school weight. I'm using Jenny Craig to help me get there, and have found it very helpful. Following hte Jenny program its 1200 calories a day, but unlimited…
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