halinds Member


  • I too have the "dawn effect' with diabetes. I am t ype 2 and have been for about 4 years. I have started losing weight recently and have noticed that if I do my workouts at night and have a protein supplement or drink before bed, this does in fact help my morning sugar levels. I am ranging about 120-150 in the am. Prior to…
  • I LOVE my Polar HRM!!!! I got it for christmas this past year and started really tracking my work out calories and consumption calories and have lost about 10 pounds since! It has really taken my gym routines to a whole new level since I am able to motivate myself more when I can look down and see where my heart rate is…
  • I used adipex twice in my life. The first time was the generic "Phentermine" when I was 17 years old. I lost 60 lbs in a few months by working out everyday and eating healthy. As soon as I got off the drug I gained the 60 lbs back and then some. I then tried adipex in my mid 20s. I took the medicine for about 6 months and…