I would be interested if this is still going on.
Lunatic Fringe.
Pretty sure I'm going with Tiberius.
Prefer to think none of the Buton Batman movies or Fantastic Four movies were ever made.
Well you got me there.
Agree 100% with Blade and Iron Man The Crow
I could be a bit biased since I've always been a Hulk fan, but I was real disappointed. The fight was great but just didn't like the movie at all.
Ed Norton, yes Ed Norton as Dr. Banner-epic fail
Elektra All the Hulk movies
House Party-between my legs Home Alone-between my legs The Warrior-between my legs
50 first dates-between my legs
Let me give you some advice, *kitten*: Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you.-Tyrion Lannister A Game of Thrones