Well done! I've just completed it this evening - we should be v proud!
Well done! I felt exactly the same - keep up the good work :]
:happy: Well done! I cannot wait till I can say the same. Not looking forward to tomorrow as I have the dreaded W5D2 of C25K.
- what kind of build are you? (small, medium, large) - I'd say I'm heading towards large - how much do you currently weigh and what size pants on average do you wear? - I weigh 191 and wear a size 16-18 uk size - what is your goal weight and why? - I would ideally like to be 147 just because this is my pre-baby weight (and…
I started again yesterday. Before, I got up to day 20 but got disheartened as I wasn't loosing any weight, although I have to admit my shape and stamina did improve massively so am giving it another try. :smile: