clairebear_79 Member


  • Hi, I live in Scotland too (just). I have to say, finding the MFP app for my new phone has made such a difference to my eating. Good luck with your weight loss :)
  • How old were you when you got engaged? 25 How long had you been together before getting engaged? 3 years How old were you when you got married? 26 Are you still together Yes. Together 11 years, married 8years.
  • Ours was about £700. I used to work at a wedding venue so even though I used a different venue, my photographer, minister and piper were FOC. My SiL made the cake in lieu of a present. The bestman paid the kilt hire for the groom. FiL paid for the toast. My dress wasn't a traditional wedding dress. If you're prepared to be…
  • Bread, especially as other members of the family will only eat white. Reading these posts has made me want pizza though. Curse you all! Pasta is another food I wish I could eat more of but alas, it sticks to my belly like all carbs. Bah.
  • Food is a big part of our culture and we associate it with social gatherings and certain times of year. Some people are emotional eaters so use food as a diversion/ coping mechanism. Its not neccesarily a bad thing as long as it's the right foods. I crave my mums vegetable soup sometimes but then I also crave chocolate…