kimdarren Member


  • I'm the same height as you and I really do wish I looked as good as you. As long as your bmi is good, and you feel good in yourself and how you look, I would stay just as you are. You look fabulous! PS. You are the same weight now as I was 16 years ago (very green with envy :-) ) Kim xx
  • First thing I'll do is apologise, cause I'm about to rant! I wasnt' going to comment but I kept coming back to your blog and I really feel that I have to say something. :blushing: You're wife is not taking responsibility for HER own actions and looking for a scapegoat. I mean that in the nicest of ways. You said she has…
  • :flowerforyou: congratulations!!! You've done so well. Just a point though, get rid of the big gulp mug............
  • We watch them all .... diners, man vs food, man vs food nation, 2 fat ladies, hairy bikers, hugh fernley whittingstall, jamie oliver, and a new chinese lady (sorry, can't remember her name at the moment).... you name it we watch it. I find the American ones we watch in both admiration and discust at the portion sizes!!!!!…
  • absolutely brilliant! Good for you :) It's the start of many changes that used to be so hard that will eventually be second nature.... applause :)
  • You look absolutely fabulous. You've done well. Here's hoping I can do the same :)
  • Wonderful loss! You've done so well, why stop now?!? Is there any reason to change your eating habits now if they're so much healthier for you. I agree with all of the comments of the BMI theory. Everyone has their own ideal weight because everyone is different. However a good BMI is probably the best way to go because…
  • Welcome! It's a big step you've taken and I find that this regime is the best I've ever done. You name it, I've done it. The people here are so informative and supportive. The good thing about using MFP, is you are responsible for yourself. If you have a bad day, so what. You didn't gain all of your weight overnight. If…
  • I've just recently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes but I've been on MFP for a year. I've lost 30lbs and it's the most I've ever lost and kept off. I haven't stuck to it religiously. As usual I have my spurts of many weeks on and then about 3 weeks of 'binging', which I might add I haven't done for a long time. My first…
  • Thank you so much for all of the advice everyone. I should've mentioned I'm in the UK and initially, my diabetic nurse hasn't given me anything to monitor my blood. I'm supposed to go for a blood test every 3 months and apparently they can get an average of my sugars through that. So really, I haven't any way of knowing…
  • I'm game. You should read my blog. Been there, done that and still have the issues with health that stop me from doing any sort of excercise and I've still managed to lose 27lbs!!!!!!!! It's posible, with the right motivation and friends.
  • ha ha ha, I'm always taking things out of the rubbish or the recycling to check the calorie count if my hubby forgets to leave it out on the counter for me. Otherwise he starts listing what he's put in dinner when he sees me get my phone out :blushing:
  • So pleased to hear that she was encouraging. Last thing you need or want is to try to get back into the swing of things and feeling as though 'you've bitten off more than you can chew'. Good for you for making that initial step of going back. It'll just get easier from here on in. Good work (I sound like a school teacher -…
  • The only sense I'll smack into you is to not be so hard on yourself. You've done fabulously! To take the steps and have the determination to do something about your weight is a great accomplishment. Don't shortchange yourself. Think of how much you've accomplished rather than how much you still have to lose. Dwell on the…
  • My husband **WAS** the same way. I've been doing this since about February. At first he thought it was my usual fad of trying to lose weight for a couple of weeks and then back to my old ways. Although I have fallen of the wagon a couple of times, I've always got right back to it. He thought it was absolutely riduculous…
  • the woman is obviously in the wrong line of work. If she gets fired, that's here fault, not yours!
  • WTG - and beam with pride in your 'under plus size' jeans. xx
  • Welcome :) You'll get fantistic support and advise from everyone on MFP. I'm a Mum of 18yr and 15yr old boys, married, with 2 dogs. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • I am Canadian (Cambridge, Ontario) but I now live in England. I hold dual citizenship and been on MFP since February. Does that still make me Canadian?!? :)
  • Completely agree with you. I don't give those messages the satisfaction of reading them. That's not what I'm on MFP for. I can honestly say that the friends I've got on MFP have been nothing but supportive to me and I'm very greatful for that. Tell your friend that if he does sign on to look me up.
  • I completely agree. I've had problems with my weight all of my married life (24 yrs). My husband has as well. I've tried so many times off and on trying to loose weight and said that he should as well. Well, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink it. His excuse was always 'you want to lose weight not…
  • Thanks for all of the advise guys. I'm in the UK so I think (not positively sure) the kit would be free to me anyway. Our medical system is different here. I've had the letter come through for the 'workshop' and it's in September so I haven't long to wait to find out more information. I've been looking on web sites and all…
  • Thanks for the words of wisdom. The nurse has referred my husband and myself to a diabetes 'workshop' but it's still very early days and we haven't been told when it is yet. I've read some info off of the internet for diabetes UK and another American site. It all sounds quite familiar in alot of aspects and preventions as…
  • Completely agree. Being positive is so much better than insults and negativity.
  • DEFINATELY make the shirt!!!!
  • I completely agree. My husband has needed to lose weight for years. It wasnt' until he saw how much weight I was actually losing, and I did't say anything about it to him this time, that he started to do something about it. Now the cheeky git has lost 10lbs more than me <very big grin>. She'll come round when she's ready…
  • If it's broken (ie cookies, crackers,)
  • I agree with all of the healthy eating etc talk, but at the end of the day, you are still a mum. It would't hurt just once in awhile or on the odd occasion to sit in the park and have an ice cream with them. Some of my happier moments as a child are being at the park having a picnic & an icecream. You just have to remember…
  • Don't go straight into hard cardio excercises. Your joints won't be able to handle the stress. Start off with soft/no impact excercises and gradually move up as you become more confident and loose weight. You'll do yourself more harm than good by doing too much too fast when your body isn't used to it. x