marlemcdougal Member


  • Hi Everyone, Sorry for the late check in, I had an issue with my scale. After many years of noble service, my scale has officially died. I have a weight watchers scale also, but I can't ever get a consistent number from it, so I am opting to use the scale at the gym Unfortunately the gym scale has always been heavier than…
  • Hi Everyone, I'm 299.5 down -1.5. Pretty happy with that considering Sunday was a total write off. Any loss is a good loss :) Just got home from spin class. I blasted 1300 kcal. Have a great week.
  • Hi Everyone, As expected from being sick the whole week before, I gained most back (fluid, etc). I am 301 now. I did stay within my calorie counts for the week, so overall I am happy. Still need to work on drinking all of my water.
  • Hi Everyone, I missed last weeks weigh in, but this week I am 197.5 down 5 lbs. Unfortunately, I had the stomach flu yesterday so I'll probably gain it back in the next couple of days. My goal is to stay at this weight for next weeks weigh in.
  • DrBorkBork, I also LOVE my heart rate monitor. I highly recommend people who exercise and are trying to lose weight get one with a calorie counter. I exercise pretty intensely, and I love to know that during a good workout I burn about 1200 calories. It makes the workout seem worth it. It also explains why I'm starving…
  • Hi Everyone, I'm a little frustrated with myself. :noway: I had two bad days of eating, and now I'm up a little. I know its probably just the salt because I was still under or really close to my calories for the day. I need to give myself a little kick in the rear so I can end the week on a better note.
  • I hope everyone had a great week. My new weight is 302.5 down from 305.5. 3 lbs :happy: I've recently started having to go into work at night, so I've had a struggle with all the candy sitting on peoples desks, but still managed to keep within my calories most days. I also decided to only eat my excercise calories if I'm…
  • Hi Everyone, Ok my weigh in today was 305.5 lbs. Down 5 lbs from last week. I'm very happy with that. that's really more than I would have managed in several months before. It just goes to show that logging your food really does make a difference. Yah!!! Lets kick some butt. Rather, let's lose some butt :wink:
  • Good Morning Everyone, Thanks for the input on the excercise calories. I think I have decided to eat some of my calories, and try to save some. I'll just see how it goes in the next couple weeks, and adjust accordingly. Sometimes after a hard workout I really am hungry and will probably need to use some of the extra…
  • Hi Everyone, Question for you all? How many of you eat your excercise calories? MFP has me at 1900 calories a day, but when I workout, I can easily burn 1200 + calories (because I'm also training for my next triathlon). That puts me at about 3100 calories for the day. It seems like alot. Don't get me wrong some days I…
  • Good Morning Ladies, My starting weigh in is 310.5. I am adding my measurements too so that I have a starting point, and something to keep me honest. Biceps=18" Chest=52.5" Upper Stomach Area unfortunately I have two guts :) 54" Lower Stomach Area 56" Upper thigh 30" I think our challenge for the week should be excercise…
  • I'm in, I have over 100 to lose. I've been excercising regularly for about a year. I did my first triathlon this year, but I still can't seem to take off the weight. My will power stinks. I would love to be motivational support on the excercise front if you all will be my food support.
  • Hi StillFristi, I haven't looked too far back on the message board to see if anyone has already suggested this, but have you tried water aerobics or walking laps in the pool. You burn twice as many calories as you would on land with half the impact. If you can find a good class, they will incorporate weight lifting (with…
  • Hello Everyone, I know I'm a little late in joining this group, but wondering if you could use another member. After all, they say better late than never:smile: This is just the group I have been looking for. Although most of the advice on this site has been helpful, I didn't feel like I could really relate to the people…