

  • I've been working on Scott Sonnon's stuff for a couple of years now with amazing results. My favourites are Tacfit Commando and Prasara Yoga
  • The best surface to do sit ups on is the hardest one you can find. Your body quickly learns that incorrect breathing and movement leads to pain. Listen to you body. Move in a way that is comfortable against the real world, not plastic balls nor comfy mats. The real world isn't made that way. Keep the body soft against hard…
  • Try this... put a broom handle on the ground. Laying next to it so that it goes down your body, try to roll your body over it slowly. Notice how you body will find the most natural, easiest path (be like water) over the broom handle to get to the other side. Your tailbone is the same thing as the broom handle. You need to…
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