

  • So, if I want to join, I just post here? I haven't used the mfp community area yet, so still learning the ropes. I've been ttc for over 2 years. Trying to make one last attempt at solving the issue myself before heading to the doctors by losing between 30-50 lbs, eating healthier, and vitamins. I know a lot of women who…
  • Hun, your doing fine. You just had a baby, so it will take some time to loose that "baby weight". When I had my son, I dropped from 180 to 140 over night (C-section), but within a couple weeks I put most of it back on. My body needed the fat storage to heal and protect me. My favorite advice to give to people is not to get…
  • I like the idea of making my own snack packs. I do like nuts, but hate the "flavored' ones in the cans at stores. Guess I'll have to see if I can find them "fresh" or whatever you want call it in the produce section. Not a raisin fan...not even a grape fan. I am chopping up a couple Claussen pickles to take to work with me…