ginger_fury187 Member


  • The implanon is different for everyone - just like every contraception. I had the implanon twice as I didnt know of any other contraception I could have as i cant take pills. I gained weight from the implanon and noticed it majorly messed up my happy hormones - thought that was just me, but have spoken to a few people who…
  • I have to say - doing both at the same is probably the worse thing anyone could do. Im 24 and had been smoking since 16 - nights out i could smoke probably 40. I tried giving up smoking and dieting at the same time and for me personally; it was hell. When you give up smoking, your body and your mind will look for something…
  • This is the FUNNIEST post I have ever seen and i have been wetting myself at the replies. I think its entertaining me more just because I now know im not the only one haha! I thought it might be because I take 2 pro plus before gymming it to help me get lots of energy. Ive managed to control it recently - but found on the…
  • Im 24 and from london and need support! add Me :)
  • Hi Everyone - Im Emmy! Only joined today and could do with some new friends for support x