got2_run Member


  • Weigh in at 211....Am soooooo glad I measured as I actually gained half a pound, but lost an inch off of my hips. Yay! Still, would love to be 20 lbs lighter in 90 days. That would get me past the nasty O word (Obese), and under 200. Another side benefit? My very overweight dog is looking great! lol
  • It's a little late but I'd like to join your challenge as well. I'm supposed to weigh tomorrow so will use that as my starting weight? 90 days is just a perfect benchmark as I seem to sabotage myself frequently. Anyway, thanks for great idea and motivation!
  • We all need a reality check from time to time. :smile: Congratulations on making the decision to stop, take a look, and deciding to make a change. I think that's one of the hardest things to do. Best wishes as you become a healther you.