Bring it back!
go house hunting
Chariots of fire :o))
@LeeshLove: Thelma and Louise
white counterpart of snoop doggy dog :o))
Legally blonde
@Buddhasmiraci: Mrs. Doubtfire
this one is funny: ...and a set of balls like the King of Bayonne Pull the wool over your eyes A sledgehammer to crack a nut
US: it was cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey Up **** creek without a paddle The whole nine yards If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen
cant to wait to hear the maple leaf sayings :oD
yup, the accent is mandatory :o))
In NY we say "I was sweatin' like a dawg in a chinese restaurant"...
False - who the heck is Dr.Phil ?!?! :o)) TNP lives in Europe
interesting, because as a hobby I do play guitar in a band.. :o)
Yeah, I'll be singing "cherry bomb" or "larger than life" today :oDD Thx ladies !
paris hilton :o)
@amcmullan: smile
lipstick :o)
- :o)
wild dog...imagine that ! :o)
mollygarv - 23?
so was I :happy:
Ladies, you just made my day :happy:
ALittleLikeHe - I would've guessed 18...
Brooklyn, living in Düsseldorf, Germany !