

  • I wear a heart rate monitor and enter my calories manually.
  • I wear a heart rate monitor and enter my calories manually.
  • I have the Cuisinart digital food scale, and for $40 I thought it was a little expensive but I love it! Like a previous post mentions I am getting better and better at estimating weights/servings correctly after using this over the last year. It's definitely worth the money in my opinion.
  • You can buy a little attachment piece for about $6 to tie the sensor on to your laces... I had Nike+ shoes but I like my Asics better and I've been using the tie-on piece for over two years and the accuracy is just as good. I use both the Nike+ and a HRM and the Nike+ calories estimate much LOWER than the actual calorie…
  • When it's too cold and rainy I plan out my week of workouts before hand - Mon, Wed, Fri on the treadmill at the gym. Thurs and/or Sat a PowerFlex circuit training class at the gym. Sometimes I do the OnDemand workouts from Comcast: Jillians Michaels' workouts are calorie-killers! Whenever we get a day of any sun (like…