These are all really good suggestions, guys. Thank you. I bet if I asked my mom she would be willing to go healthy grocery shopping with me when I come into town :) I also like the salad suggestion...I hate salads, but my mom loves them so it would be much easier to motivate myself to eat them if someone's making it for…
Very impressive. Congratulations!
You look totally awesome. :) Congratulations.
Definitely a car. And followed by that...a new computer. Totally worth it. My laptop was falling apart.
Hi, everyone! I'm Mimi. I've struggled with my weight my whole life. I am insulin resistant and have PCOS. I am currently battling these and attempting to lose weight without any medication, because my financial situation is pretty dire. I was previously on Metformin and found it to be very helpful in feeling healthier and…
What an incredible success :) Great job!
Thank you! I was just wondering this too. :) Glad I used the search function before posting a new topic.
You ARE beautiful! It's so nice when you finally start to believe it yourself, though, isn't it? :)
You look amazing! Congratulations on your results :)
Thank you, everyone!
Thank you so much, ladies! The other day, I told the nurse at my chiropractor's office my REAL weight for the first time in years. I shaved off anywhere from 20-50 lbs from the real number every time I was asked, no matter the situation. My weight on my driver's license has NEVER been accurate. My weight has only dropped…
Thanks everyone! I guess I am just impatient. But it's funny! This morning, after I posted this whiny message, of course, I got on the scale and it said 239! YES! Even just that has made it a lot easier for me to motivate myself to keep going. Thanks for the support. I love having this community to come to, in the hard…
This is my before picture, at about 250 lbs, Nov 2011. The one on the left was at Christmas time, when I gained an extra 5 lbs and was at my worst, at 255. The one on the right is me just ten lbs lighter! This picture is just a day or two old. It's amazing how much of a difference just 10 lbs makes for my chipmunk cheeks!…