chemprof1 Member


  • Sounds pretty wonderful! There were so many places on the waterfront I wanted to try...too much to do in a week!
  • I'm not in Bristol currently, but will be there for a few weeks in July for work. It would be fun to establish a long-distance support group and then meet up when I get there. I'm currently in NC (eastern US). I was in Bristol for a little over a week last July - it was a great city! Among other things, I really loved…
  • I had this surgery done about 15 years ago (I had a pretty serious bunion...a "major deformity" my podiatrist called it). Long term, it's the best thing I could have done with respect to pain in my feet and exercising (or just walking!). I had the surgery in March and was hiking in the mountains in early July with no pain.…