LBorchers40 Member


  • I am currently training for a 1/2 in Feb. My routine is like clock work each week... Monday- 45 min run/walk intervals Tuesday-30 cross training of any sort (cycling,yoga,zumba,eliptical,swimming) Wednesday-Rest Thursday-45 min run/walk intervals Friday-30 min cross training of any sort…
  • Focus on your fluid intake and your fiber intake I would say are the best ways to stay on the track that you are on. Maybe you want to add your new goal into MFP and see if they can re-calculate a new caloric level for you! I wouldn't up your calories if your hopes are to go down more. +calories=+activity so if you don't…
  • I was chubs when I was younger and then started swimming and softball-body change 1...I had open heart surgery and got sick-body change number 2...had 2 kids-body change number 3...NOW I am ready to rock the person I have finally figured out I am which is a combination of all of those bodies. On the inside I have always…
  • Go figure...I am a diet and nutrition manager at a hospital-haha. At work I have the means to do it all right and the knowledge but after a 9 hour day 2 kids at home in tap/jazz and martial arts I am working out at 8pm home at 9:30 to shower clean and then up at 3 am to do it all over again!
  • 28 mother of 2! Looking to lose 40-Need all the incentives and tips I can get to make it through and live a new life! Add if your rowing the same boat :smile: