LadyFleata Member


  • PC Legend of Grimrock and Diablo 3. waiting on GW2 and Torchlight 2. add me on here and on raptr/ steam same usrname to chat games
  • ive been on 125mg on levothyroxine for years now and really really struggle to loose weight. I eat pretty ok and exercise everyday. but i find loosing weight a never ending loosing battle to do half a pound a fortnight to month if im lucky.
  • i am a person who has been wheat free from 8 years now, after going full into anaphylactic shock mode when ingesting any produce with wheat in. there are many things to take into consideration: burgers are not good as the above post says. most will have wheat/ rusk in as a bulking agent. only burger that say 100% beef (and…
  • yes you can be!!!! I ate bread and the usual standard diet, normal diet for 20 years. my bf and i went into town one day ate a big tasty just like i have done previous times, many times even. however this time 30 mins later i was in full on melt down with my first ever in my life anaphylactic shock. i became allergic to…
  • im a great believer in using the will or other console. there are plenty of "games"/ fitness regimes out there. My favourite is Excerbeat gym class work out. fun cardo or say EA sports actvie 2 that has a HRM and weight training/ cardio. Workouts for me need to be fun otherwise I don't have the motivation to do em. I dont…
  • The Avengers is awesome no 3D required!!
  • hello. im in the midlands feel free to add me
  • i have a standard sze rabbit that has to find you if you go out into the kitchen and if we go the loo he will follow you into the hall and try to creep round to find you in the loo. he also tries to go ninja and when you spot him, he acts as if he meant you to see him and that is all quite normal :) he also endlessly tries…
  • it comes from a leaf i think. the steavia plant. dont quote me on that tho. i have some stevia powder and sweetner style tablets. very different taste to them. not bad but i dunno not great. a much much healthier alternative to standard artificial sweeteners as this is all natural. shouldn' t affect your sugar levels, or…
  • try the Wii out I use the Wii with balance board and the exerbeat gym class work out. I have CFS and cant move around alot but I find its exercises are easily tailored to what you need. It has a great range of exercises from standard aerobics, hip-hop, boxercise, latin dance to karate, tai-chi style forms and yoga/pilates.…
  • Slim fast is also full of sugar not recommend for those wanting to cut down on sugar/ or has health issues that come with high sugar consumption. I think each shake/ powder drink is about 14g or sugar twice a day thats 28g of sugar off the bat. You would think a slimming product wouldn't have any sugar it does.
  • met at 22 married at 32 been living together for together 10 years when he asked me to marry him married Novemeber last year 11/2011 so 3 months on the 26/2/12
  • i dont know about cross contamination, as we have nothing in the house that has wheat flour in. If i eat out its at Weatherspoons and I have ham egg and chips as this is the only thing on the menu I am happy eating in the knowledge nothing has wheat in. Anything with wheat in tho is a def no no. regardless of amount. its…
  • WoW i haven't seen any that says anaphylatic shock. when I eat wheat or anything with wheat flour in it takes about 30 mins then the ambulance has to be called. I'm not classed as a coeliac just allergic to wheat. :( so i dont count, but i have to be on a strick gluten free diet too. i dont have the throat closing issue,…
  • I used to do slim fast powder shakes till I looked at how much sugar was in it. 14g or sugar in 1 shake and you drink 2 a day. Plain ridiculous really. its the same in the bars too all sugar, you think they'd used stevia or a natural sweetener (allergic to asparteme) Cant be good for you eating that much sugar let alone…
  • Got a Wii? and Balance board NO?? go get one!!! Wii fit Is a gentle way to exercise and lets you track what you are doing and your progress. I moved on from Wii fit to Exerbeat Gym class work out, more of a dance rhythm workout with Aerobics, Hip-hop, latin samba and mergegue, karate, boxercise, and yoga/pilates. Takes…
  • HI I'm Tracey.I'm 32 and I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Hypothyroidism, makes loosing weight an uphill struggle. Currently i'm using a static bike on the lower resistance setting and Exerbest gym class workout on the wii. Both are low impact so no stress on my joints. I have a blog…
  • HI I'm Tracey.I'm 32 and I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Hypothyroidism, makes loosing weight an uphill struggle. Currently i'm using a static bike on the lower resistance setting and Exerbest gym class workout on the wii. Both are low impact so no stress on my joints. I have a blog…
  • HI I'm Tracey.I'm 32 and I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Hypothyroidism, makes loosing weight an uphill struggle. Currently i'm using a static bike on the lower resistance setting and Exerbest gym class workout on the wii. Both are low impact so no stress on my joints. I have a blog…
  • HI I'm Tracey.I'm 32 and I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Hypothyroidism, makes loosing weight an uphill struggle. Currently i'm using a static bike on the lower resistance setting and Exerbest gym class workout on the wii. Both are low impact so no stress on my joints. I have a blog…
  • HI I'm Tracey.I'm 32 and I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Hypothyroidism, makes loosing weight an uphill struggle. Currently i'm using a static bike on the lower resistance setting and Exerbest gym class workout on the wii. Both are low impact so no stress on my joints. I have a blog…
  • HI I'm Tracey.I'm 32 and I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Hypothyroidism, makes loosing weight an uphill struggle. Currently i'm using a static bike on the lower resistance setting and Exerbest gym class workout on the wii. Both are low impact so no stress on my joints. I have a blog…