

  • Good for you for still playing hockey. Outside burns more calories but inside is nicer! Your right about MN not being much warmer than NB. It's a bit of a family joke. I'm near St Paul. The nice part about skating is it's a life long sport. Can't say that about foot ball
  • I'll join in April depending on the snow and temp. Last year had bike injuries So my miles were few. My Mom (age 76) and son (15) biked from the Iowa border Of MN to the twin cities. one day was 76 miles! I want to keep up with gramma. Please all wear your helmets my husband was hit by a car two years ago it saved him.
  • Hi Tammy & Rick my gramma was from NB but moved south to Minnesota Warmer? Anyway a great exercise to burn calories is long blade skating. At least 580 calories per hour if not more. Short blades and hockey a bit more. You have some great ice up there give it A try. I'm skating with a group of long blade some who are in…