cawalt Member


  • I'm looking to add some friends too. I'm 38, married, mom of three - ages 3, 5 and 16. I am in school fulltime (pursuing my RN) and have a part time job at a family store. I am on a mission to not only lose weight but accept this as a full time lifestyle change. I want my children to make good health choices and it has to…
  • Im looking for some support too! Heres some info on me - *Im 38 (will be 39 next month) *Have 3 kids - 16, 5 and 3 *Married to a pretty good guy *In school full time pursuing my RN *LOVE music & concerts pretty much all kinds *Love reality TV and sometimes I can tolerate Jersey Shore, but only sometimes *Love Say Yes to…
  • Beautifully written. I congratulate you for overcoming great obstacle and I thank you for being an inspiration to us all. Keep up the great work!!!
  • That is awesome Luke. That looks so intense. My husband, brother, brother in law & sister in law are all doing the Warrior dash this summer in MN. Kinda like the Tough Mudder, but on a MUCH SMALLER scale. I am training to run a half marathon and then possible doing the Warrior Dash next year. I see from your pic - your in…
  • Vodka with diet 7up/Sprite. Thats what I have... and usually I get a flavored vodka.
  • I am so grossed out about McDonalds! I recently read that their chicken nuggets were only 50% chicken and some of the ingredients including silicone and butane! Every once in a while I would by my young girls Happy Meals from there.... never again! I cannot believe that it is legal to feed people that crap!!!
  • My sister and I both started it in July and we ran a 5K in October and I ran another one in November. I love that program and now I have been doing the Bridge to 10K. I dont necessarily know if I will do a 10K, but I just really like the workouts. I strongly suggest it!! Good luck!