

  • Wow, I cannot believe how critical these replies have been for someone who is seeking support. Aren't we all here because we have issues with self control? Of course she is not eating off of people's plates or stealing food! She is around food all the time and was looking for constructive ways to deal with the temptations.…
  • Hahaha...I heard that one before, but it still makes me chuckle :)
  • What a great experience! Shows that all of your hard work and perseverance paid off! Unbelievable weight loss. Great job :)
    in Shop Comment by hate2bheavy March 2012
  • I'm creeping closer to 50 everyday and could sure use the advice and motivation from other MFP friends. Glad I found this thread, I will check in often. My goal for March is to lose five more pounds. I seem to have hit a plateau (was previously in Weight Watchers)and can't seem to jumpstart my body again. Friend requests…
  • I need more active MFP friends who are close to my age, mind adding another friend?
  • I'm older than you, but have the same amount of weight to lose. I'd love to be a support for you! I can benefit too from having more people to hold me accountable!! :)