

  • Calorie counting works, if you're counting your calories correctly and measuring properly. It's so easy to say one cup and count those calories, when in fact, you've really had a cup and a half. Miscounting or measuring is only cheating yourself. Because there was a time that WW wasn't working for me, so I decided to visit…
  • I'm glad that I'm not the only one feeling that way! I work out 5 days a week, doing a lot of cardio. I have been good about tracking calories ...... but with exercising, I sometimes don't consume all the calories I've burned during my workout. Anybody have any suggestions? I'm half tempted to try a binge day to quick…
  • Hi Nate. I am 56 years old, and recently lost 30 pounds doing Jenny Craig, and have kept it off for more than 18 months. I started going to the gym at the beginning of this year. I was never much of an exercise person, but decided that I wanted to firm up --- better late than never!! Anyways, I do cardio 4-5 times a week,…