Rebeccasobel Member


  • I haven't seen it, but looks really interesting (I just IMDB'd it). I am definitely going to watch. I am not necessarily a juice for every meal girl and I am currently just maintaining my weight, but hope to learn from this...thanks!
  • What's your name? Rebecca Where do you live? Fairfax, VA What are your food vices/ cheats? Potato chips and french onion dip What do you think is holding you back from being in your TOP shape? Busy schedule, eating the stuff my kids leave behind, and just not eating healthy What's your favorite exercise? Spinning What…
  • Just wanted to say Hi, I'm not far from you in Fairfax!
  • Cutting out : all crunchy snacky foods - chips, cheeze its etc , alternatives carrots, celery, apples w/ peanut butter not eating food left on my kids plates (which equals a ton of exta calories I never even think about) Need to stop snacking before bed - trying to ween myself slowly and instead of snacking on bad snacks…