catontjoc Member


  • What are you waiting for??? Swimsuit season will be here before you know it!!!! Get busy.....NOW!" hope that helped a little.
  • You should try to eat your calories. Your body is probably going into starvation mode and holding onto fat. I heard p90x is a great workout program(thinking about trying it myself) . I heard it burns a ton of calories, I bet if you start eating more, as your muscles recover the weight will start falling off! Let me know…
  • I have the same problem! I am allowed 24 g of sugar a day. My morning coffee alone is 15 g. I just can't give up my peppermint mocha yet. I have a hard time meeting my daily caloric intake because I am so focused on going over on my sugar. Today, I have decided I am not going to count fruits a and veggies when they deduct…
  • I'm 31... Mother of two, add me if you like:)