yes you should. it wont cause any serious problems though if you do. it will burn and get red and itchy. at least from my own experience. mine was done on my ankle then went biking and hiking afterwards. being real itchy and not being able to itch it was the biggest thing. now i have heard that with the cream or vasoline,…
Im a cat lover. Would love to post pics here but dont know how to. So I posted them in my profile :)
Sounds good. One question, why the hand? Please becareful and use caution when getting tat's that you cant cover up easily. Alot of "professtional" careers do not allow ink work and it could hurt your chances of being hired. YES, i know, they wont tell you that up front because they cant. My experience, I worked at a…
Thank you everyone. It is feels good to be hear. I looked at your profiles. You all look great. I know together we all can battle to reach our goals. To Savagegirlt and Bizzy_Lizzy_C, I know you can do it. It is nice to have a set goal and it makes it worth the wild to do so. I (we) will be here for you to give you that…