

  • I am not following any program. I just run as far as I can then walk ect. Lately I have been counting 60 steps jogging and 30 steps walking then 60 steps jogging ect. I can run ok down hill but on the level and up hill is hard and I find myself hyperventilating and having a panic attact because I loose my breath. I don't…
  • 58 and still young:tongue:
  • weight watchers allows you to have 49 extra points a week. you can eat a few at a time or all at once. that equals to almost 2 days worth of food. so it must be ok to do that. they go more on a weekly deficit i think.
  • yes i have used Alli. It worked for me but you get yourself in a vicious cycle that when you stop you gain it back. and if you eat any fat you will have loose oily stools and a lot of gas. i spent a lot of money on it and glad i am off of it now and am loosing weight on my own.
  • I am the same way but I have noticed that when I eat more I expect to gain and I usually loose lbs. then I get excited and try to cut back to increase the weight loss and I gain a lb. I am trying to increase my cal bc i am stalled right now too.
  • Northwestern PA
  • shoot, that is all i ever do is 200 to 300 cal burned in exercise a day and that is better than no calories burned. the days i don't exercise is the days i don't allow myself to eat any extra food. so that is incentive enough to get me moving.
  • that is perfect to begin with. that is how i started. somedays when I am tired I still do 15 on the TM and 15 on the bike, you are moving and that is what counts. keep up the good work
  • Cardio seems to cut my appetite, I can"t eat for about 2 hrs after. I am just not hungry, even if I was hungry before. I think it depends on if you are burning glucose or burning fat.
  • every day is a new day for me. I try to eat right 75% of the time. I know I have to eat this way for the rest of my life if i want to keep it off so i allow myself to have screw up days. It slows down the progress but keeps me going for the long haul.
  • make sure you are adding back the calories you burned back into your daily intake. Also make sure you are getting enough rest. maybe 2 days on 1 day off for your exercise. and don"t do the same thing each day. walk one day run one day bike one day. you use different muscles with each exercise and you shoud give the muscles…
  • i lost motivation over the holidays and am just getting back on track. I lost 30lbs and thank god I didn't gain any back. I kept up the exercise though and that helped me. I just joined MFP this week and feel I am finally back on track. It took a weight race at work to get me going again though.
  • If you don't like it don't eat it. I learned 1 thing from weight watchers and that is if you can't do it for the rest of your live then don't do it. I hate diet salad dressing so i use regular dressing and make my cuts other places in my diet. You have to eat the way you are eating for the rest of your life or you will…
  • 5" 3". started at 188lbs size snug 16 jeans. wal mart brand stretch jeans. currently 155 baggy size 14 or snug 12. would like to be a 10 eventually but for now working on being a baggy size 12. Alot of it depends on how tall you are and how much body fat to muscle mass you have. I am 58 y/o so i don't need to be a size 4…
  • I do treadmill 40 min 4 times a week and stationary bike 40 min 2 times a week between the days I do treadmill. and rest on saturday. I do strenth training once a week with reps to failure. If it is nice outside ( I live in PA) on saturday or Sunday I go for a walk/jog outside with my dog. (intervals). I pretty much suck…
  • I have done weight watchers a couple times. This last time I lost 30 lbs and actually kept it off. The new points system is so much better. But i am not to much for writing down what I eat. I also didn't want to pay to get weighed in. I love this site. all i do is type in what I ate and it brings it up on a list and I add…
  • if you can't do 30 min at once or don't have time just do 15 min in morning and 15 min at night. it will work just as well. I started out by just doing something active for 30 min a day. I figured it was better than being a couch potato for that 30 min. I got a dog and lost 10 lbls by getting up to take her out to go potty…