

  • Thanks for this information I looked him up and have begun to impliment some of his methods as a family. Thank you again.
  • WHat did you do to lose that 50 + lbs in 6 months?
  • This was true for me, also my shoes are looser and my rings first.
  • Decide on one change at a time. If you decide I'm going to drink 8 cups of water daily, then do that. Have water before and with your meals sip it at work, drink a cup before bed and when you first get up. Chose to have a side salad before or with one meal everyday. Shop for it, prepare it, make it available. Its just like…
  • I dont remember what my allowance was but I remember my mother had me keep a ledger. I had to report how I used the money given me down to the penny. If I earned money she gave me an additional 50% of what I earned. So If I cleaned a neighbor's yard and they paid me $10 she'd give me $5 more. If I saved money she matched…
  • Did anyone say FISH? Ugh!!!! I HATE FISH! My kids husband friends mother family all like/love the stuff. I hate the smell the scales the little bones all of it! Yuck
  • I try to make lunch my biggest meal because our bodies metabolism peaks between 12 and 2pm. I cook in the evening and pack a "dinner" portion for my lunch the next day. I eat a "lunch" sized portion at dinner time with my family. By the way my family ranges from 4 to 42. I serve vegetables with every meal. I also keep a…
  • We all need the encouragement. No shame. I notice a obvious major difference between 227 lbs and 217 lbs. Its hard to beleave your 187 lbs now because you look a good 20 lbs less then that. You must be well toned also. You look great.
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