xwench Member


  • I was diagnosed with Fibro in the late 90's and was originally treated with Darvocet and Vicodin for pain, neither of which made me feel any better during the time I took them. Eventually my doctor heard about a 10-12 week program that he was able to talk my insurance company into paying for. M-F, 8 hours a day, for 11…
  • I work with adults with disabilities and coach Special Olympics bowling, track & field, bocce as well as run an online eBay store. Been on MFP for about 6 weeks now and have been stuck at the same weight for the past 3 1/3 weeks. What the heck should I be doing differently?
  • You are an incredible inspiration for all of us!!!! Congratulations:^)
  • I'm 56 and have been on the program for a month now and lost 16 lbs.. My first post to the community and would love to have some friends to help keep me motivated! Love the program, never hungry, not feeling cheated and have not been craving things like I normally do. I have been just a bit below my calorie allotment every…