Hoodie16 Member


  • I would suggest getting checked to make sure you are not iron deficient anemic. When I was deficient I was cold all the time too, which is a side affect. I would wear long sleeves during the summer because I was so cold.
  • In regards to concerns about the BodyMedia Fit Link: If I'm wearing something sleeveless yes it would show. If that bothers me I just wear it on my calf. Otherwise it doesn't really show when I am wearing short sleeves. You forget you are even wearing it. As far as paying for the site, it's less than $4 a month. I blow $4…
  • Get a BodyMedia Fit Link instead of a fitbit. It does a lot more stuff.
  • I have a BodyMedia Fit Link which does a lot more than the FitBit. I would recommend the BodyMedia Fit Link over a fitbit.
  • Allyowl - if you have high antibodies you do not have just hypothyroidism. You have an autoimmune disease called Hashimoto Thyroiditis. Hypothyroidism is the result of this autoimmune disease. Your body is destroying your thyroid. Your borderline low TSH levels will eventually become low thyroid levels and you will see a…
  • Potassium is not required to be indicated on nutrition labels, therefore, lots of manufactures do not include it. Sucks for people who are going through kidney failure because they need to limit their potassium intake.
  • I would get your iron levels checked and your vitamin D. I would also get your thyroid antibodies checked as well to see if you have hashimoto thyroiditis (an autoimmune disease).
  • I have Hashimoto's (autoimmune disease) that caused my hypothyroidism. You will find a lot of doctors who just go by your lab results. You have a TSH in the normal range so you must be okay. Wrong. Some people will feel better on the lower end of the range and others will feel better on the upper end of the range. If your…
  • I just got the BodyMedia Fit armband on May 8th. So far I am happy with my purchase. It's nice to see how many calories I am burning throughout my entire day and what my calorie deficit is. I am feeling more motivated with the armband than when I didn't have it. I also love that it tracks your sleep and you can see how…
  • I have done both on a resistance of 6 (goes up to 9) if that is what you mean by levels Briabner. Jen - Weird I know but I never actually compared the calories burned between the two. So, I just did and even when I bike for 30 minutes my average speed is about 16mph (instead of 17mph when biking for 5 miles) so I'm still…
  • During and after I did Jillian Michaels 30 day shred my calf muscles hurt terribly. It hurt to bend my right leg when going up stairs or bending that leg to get into the car. This went on for months and the aching behind my right leg (the back of the knee and calf muscle) was constant. I went to the doctor because people…