

  • That is awsome! You guys are doing so good!!! And fivefatcats, I am telling you that you are my inspiration! I cannot wait to get back on my diet so I can be a big "loser" again!!! :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • Wow you guys are doing awsome!!!! Congrats! :) That is awsome! Cant wait to be with you guys on this journey again! Making the hubby some dinner (ha, he hasnt had what he considers a "homecooked" meal in almost 2 months, I think I forgot how to cook like this :laugh: )..... and I have to say I have already gained almost 2…
  • Hi guys! I am writing this with a somewhat heavy heart at the moment. :cry: I am unfortunately going to put a halt/pause on my diet. Well, I guess you can say stop it for now, and begin again on about Oct. 15th ish (yes I know that is when we were supposed to finish our challenge, but you guys keep going!). My husband just…
  • OH my Grokette! I think I might gain 4 lbs just from your pictures and talking about sweets! :laugh: I think my TOM is coming soon because I am cramping, cranky and craving some sweets :grumble: :mad: :mad: :explode: :angry: I typically NEVER crave sweets like this. I have problems with my TOM, it is so random. I havent…
  • Those are soooo good! That is amazing! I always admire those that can do that. I love the haunted house :happy: I am a huge fan of holidays. I cant wait to take my lil one trick or treating for the first time this year. She is going to be a lil witch :bigsmile: Man, I dont think I could do that because I would want to…
  • you are more than welcome to join! Welcome! Are you currently on the HCG diet as well?
  • I have never been so hungry for desserts!!! YUMMY!!!! I miss cookies and cupcakes. And I bet yours are amazing!!! We might have to send you some latex gloves or something to cook in so the sugar doesnt absorb! :tongue: I am glad I dont live close to you, I would be hounding you to come taste test everything :laugh: You…
  • I forgot to mention! I have taken pepto a few times while on the diet. I never noticed it making a difference on anything with me... so you might try that. Or tums. As long as it makes you feel better that is all that matters!
  • I am planning another trip down there this week. My hubby has class on Wed, thurs, and Friday.... so I will probably go down to see my family on one of those days. And I will stop in. They should have a lot by then! And its not a big deal! I felt sooo bad that they were out :noway: I really didnt think they would be. But I…
  • Yum, banana bread. :happy: I saw Mr. Food on this am for Bapple bread.... I am totally going to make it for my hubby and try a piece! It looked soooo good. And banana bread is his favorite. I love homemade bread. It is my weakness. How come you arent feeling well? Is it from what you ate or feeling sick? I know that some…
  • Well our normal forum is locked... so if someone finds our new one let me know! I am down 1.2 today! Going the right way! I did cheat a little yesterday. I had a small piece of a french baguette. OK, maybe 2 small pieces. :laugh: But I felt so full last night I had to double check everything and make sure that I didnt…
  • I agree. From both sides this can be extreme, and everyone will always have their own opinions. However, if you believe that people are doing this just for "a quick fix" and will "gain it all back and then some" then you do not know enough about this diet to start bashing it. Yes, there are some physicians that are against…
  • Citrus Shrimp & Greens Ingredients 100 grams of shrimp 2 T. lemon juice 1T. lime juice 3T. apple cider vinegar 1tsp. garlic powder 1tsp. pepper 1⁄2 tsp. onion salt Directions Place shrimp in a bowl and mix together all ingredients and let it stand and marinate for 1⁄2 hour. You can either grill the shrimp on a grill or in…
  • It could be due to stress, but I think I am pretty much in a stressed state at all times, and dont really notice that much of a difference. But it could! And, if you are like me, I think my TOM is coming soon (hubby agrees with how crabby I have been :laugh: ) and I know that can cause it to slow down some. I am only down…
  • :sad: Well, I am glad my husband and I had a talk last night for like an hour. After upsetting me (I am really emotional, I think my TOM is coming soon) he is going to start being more supportive of my diet. He has been supportive, but asking me to stop and get ice cream or take-out etc. etc. is not going to happen…
  • You can do it! :bigsmile: This is going to be our lucky forum.... it is a forum that will help us get a 20+ pound weight loss!!! :drinker: :laugh:
  • wahoo! We can do it :happy: :drinker: Here's to the 20+ pounds we are going to lose!!!:bigsmile:
  • Ugh, some of this is pretty funny on here. I am not really going to be posting much more, but to answer someones question or comment they put about how much hcg it puts in your system..... I worked in an OB/GYN clinic for quite a while. It is what I specialize in. When you suspect pregnancy in someone, you typically will…
  • Well if you look at the foods you are allowed to eat on this diet, you would see that all of them contain the vitamins and minerals that your body needs. They are fruits, veggies, some seafood, chicken and beef. So, you get as much as you need through what you eat. If you dont think you are, take a multivitamin or prenatal…
  • You are welcome. And I really do recommend that you read it. It really is completely different than anything else out there. I know that if you eat under 1200 calories your body will go into starvation mode and start to store everything you eat and you will actually gain weight. So when I heard about this diet, I was just…
  • Just as if you were in the artic freezing, your body is going to use your "stored fat" for energy that it needs. That is the basis of it. You are consuming a small amount of calories, and your body is going to start using it's fat stores (and the bad fat stores, not the good ones that our body needs) as a means of energy.
  • Honestly, if you guys wanted me to type out about a 20 page reply I could, and wouldnt mind to. I just would have to take a few days to do it LOL. But honestly, if you look at the reply I had, copy and paste the link, read the first part of the book by Dr. Simeons. It will break it all down for you so that you can…
  • If you do not know much about it, then why put on here it is dangerous?! You do not know that, since you do not know much about it. I would never claim that something is dangerous or wrong if I had no idea what I was talking about. This diet is recommended to be closely monitored by a physician. As with all weight loss,…
  • LOL that is too funny! I thought the same thing at first with their name and always seeing the "cow" everywhere. When I worked in a clinic as a nurse we would have a lot of drug reps that brought us food from there for lunch. The fruit got me hooked immediately (it was always fresh and soooo good!), and their chicken…
  • Do you have a chick-fil-a near you? I absolutely LOVE that place! They have an awsome chargrilled chicken sandwich... and you can get a fruit bowl instead of waffle fries for a side. It is very good, and very filling. Or as someone suggested, a panera bread. I know it is so hard to find something remotely healthy on the go…
  • I will say, I hate diet coke LOL However, I absolutely LOVE regular coke. I started my diet, and of course that is not listed as something I can have (imagine that!).... so my husband had been drinking coke zero for a little while, so I decided to start trying it. At first I wasnt too impressed with the taste, but now I…
  • Thanks guys! So far I am excited about everything... and I am enjoying this site. Especially since I can find just about everything I eat on here. Do they have it where you can add your own food though if it is not on the list? Does anyone know?! I have this as an app on my phone as well, so that helps me out a lot. I have…