

  • Wow. You pretty much are traveling a parallel journey with mine! I've lost 50+ pounds 3 times in the last 10 years. Always gaining it back and more. That doesnt include the times where I lost 20, 30, 40, etc. I hit 296.5 lbs in Jan of 2013 and lost 55 lbs by summer, then I gave 30 of those lbs back, as is customary of my…
  • Whereas Insanity is an all out cardio free for all, at times, Asylum seems to refine it. I agree with sfdcubfan, Asylum is nooooo step backwards- haha
  • Not sure why people are up in arm about this post. If it doesnt appy to you (diabetic, etc), then carry on. Its solid advice for "most" people. And, I believe he's focusing on the fad diets mainly. I have lost and gained 40ish pounds about 5 times over the last 10 years. I have done Atkins, South Beach, WW, you name it.…