

  • I'm not worried about aspartame causing cancer or defects or anything but I do think cutting out diet sodas does help weight loss. I've never been into drinking my calories and I had a pretty heavy diet wild cherry pepsi habit for a while because, hey-- no calories right? Must be okay! I've read studies about it…
  • Exactly. I want to weigh myself everyday too but it will just get you discouraged. Pick a day (and a time) every week to do it. I find Tuesdays or Thursdays are usually pretty good. Don't let it get you down. I did really well for two months then fell off for a week, now I just kind of hit the 'reset' button and go again.…
  • Don't give up! Weight loss takes time, 3 days is not long enough to throw in the towel. We are all here to support you -- you can do this!
  • So agree! I am there to work out, not worry about my lip gloss or mascara running into my eye.