MissyLaRae Member


  • There is a ton of scientific data to back up a nutritious plant based diet. Meat & Dairy is not healthy. It's not an outrageous claim and no I'm not going to do your research for you. I've invested years into finding the right lifestyle that works for me and done a lot of research into diet myself. I personally eat…
  • That's because you're only eating small amounts and you've got a lot of veggies in there. 803 calories for a day will put your body into starvation mode and you will begin to gain weight. Realistically you should be eating a minimum of 2500 calories a day. Check out 80/10/10 by Dr. Douglas Graham.
  • Um not at all. I'm a high carb low fat vegan (no animal products at all) and I'm down 16 pounds in 6 weeks eating 2500-3000 calories a day. NOT all calories are equal. Fat calories are the worst you can eat. A diet high in milk and mean is the worst you could possibly have.
  • 40 Pounds is not unrealistic. I have lost 16 in 6 weeks. You just need to be eating the right kind of food. Honestly I only use MFP to connect with others so they can see what I eat versus following their calorie recommendations. According to MFP based on my diet I'll weigh over 200 pounds in 5 weeks when in fact I am…
  • I'm 5'1" and SW was 172
  • Are people really there hating or are other people just there thinking they are? I have found that most people don't care what you're doing, and I don't care what they're doing. If there are haters at your gym just ignore them and focus on yourself. It shouldn't stop you from working out.
  • ^^^ Yes. I originally started ViSalus a while back but didn't lose anything. I honestly just like drinking a shake in the morning, (I'm not a morning eater) but know I've got to put something in my body. I mix mine with unsweetened almond milk, 2 scoops powder, 2T of Oatmeal, a banana, ice, and a few frozen strawberries.…
    in Visalus Comment by MissyLaRae March 2013