TCoff1972 Member


  • Hi all! I am at the end of my third week, started on Jan. 14th. I did two months of P90X two years ago, but had to stop because of outside influences. I am loving it! Except Yoga X! I don't do Yoga X! Bleeeh! :) I am down 8 pounds and I am hoping for 3 lbs a week average. I am definitely getting stronger though. Exercises…
  • Great work! Keep it up!
  • You can Google +Team +P90X and see a lot of self titled teams. I do not have a coach, but I am thinking about adding Coach Wayne from Team Ripped as mine. His wife is also a coach.
  • I am finishing my third week of P90X and love it. I have completed two months of it before and saw amazing results. It does take women a little longer to see results though, usually at the end of second month. Check out the before and after forums at Good luck!
  • I am at the end of my third week with P90X. What week are you on? Are you following the nutrition plan for your stage/phase? Have you tried to get a coach? They are usually up to date on nutrition. I don't run, so it is hard for me to say what you need for that, but it doesn't seem like it would be a lot different from the…