opaedas Member


  • Like someone else said, if you eat 1000 more calories than your body needs, have fun working that out. For example, he can try running that off by doing approx. 6.1 miles at a 10 minute mile (1.5hrs solid running) based on his current weight. I'd rather not eat the extra, cause I def wouldn't have time OR energy to work…
  • Hey, awesome that you've decided to get on the healthy lifestyle while you're above ground for sure!!! We can only do what we put forth the effort to do, and sometimes it does take that "Ah ha" moment to spark us and fuel our fire. So here's a BIG HI-FIVE from me!! You're on your way, try to focus on the journey and leave…
  • Hey there, You're feeling full probably because of the fiber in the fruit you eat. Also, since your stomach is accustomed to eating so little, it is not large and distended and will fill up quickly. Try only having fruit in the am w/ a portion of lean protein and small slow digesting carb like oatmeal or ezekiel toast or…