

  • I recently started this too (12 days in) but have yet to see any weight loss or fat loss. My weight actually jumped up higher than its been for almost a year after having my first "carb nite" not by much maybe a pound with my body fat % about the same. So far I seem to be getting lackluster results but will stick with it…
  • Fire Fly Sweet Tea Vodka + Water= 66 calories It's not too stiff (depending on how much water you mix with) or overly sweet
  • In the past I personally didn't start to see any results until the end of week 3. My only other recommendation is try not eat back the calories burned from exercise if you can, as I find the exercise calories are highly variable. Some treadmills say you burn 400 calories in 30 min, others say 200 for the same workout.
  • Chestnut Tree! and its so true I cannot tell a lie.. my husband calls me a face talker becasue when I try to lie I always bust out laughing. Chestnut Tree (Honest) — of unusual stature, impressive, well-developed sense of justice, fun to be around, a planner, born diplomat, can be irritated easily, sensitive of others…
  • 5'3" 122 lbs Size 6 (sometimes a 4) Also check this out http://www.mybodygallery.com/ It's an entire gallery that shows you what size women wear based on height and weight and body type
  • Sell your story to a movie producer..jk In all seriousness, sign up for Equifax Credit Watch. It's a one year subscription that allows you to lock your credit, meaning no one can apply for new credit under your name, as well as send you alerts if any of you credit balances increase by a certain amount that you can set. I…
  • Yes, there is not like a nice glass of wine after a long day. When seriously trying to lose weight I would limit this pleasure to the weekend only. If it's something you enjoy, and is within acceptable limits, then you shouldn't deprive yourself. I honestly think a weight loss diet should be somewhat reflective of what…
  • My only advice is to try to make time for just you and your husband as part of your weekly schedule but with no expectations. Maybe after the kids go to bed you watch a show together over a glass of wine.Sometimes you need time together before you get together.
  • Instead of focusing on weight, try to focus on body fat percentage instead. Cutting fat and building muscle while staying close to your goal weight you will definitely get you the toned look and feel.