ladybuglola Member


  • I have a hard time swallowing the horse-pills that are vitamins so i take the gummie ones that are made by One a Day. There are several brands that make the gummie vitamins for adults. They taste great so they are easy to remember to take.
  • Cooking Light website has a whole section on side dishes. I use the for side dishes, desserts, etc. It has all the foods I love to eat only made with better ingredients. They have the calorie info on all the Cooking Light recipes and so far every recipe I've made has been a huge hit. As a side note, we…
  • I would ask your trainer how many calories his/her strength training days burn. I asked mine and hers vary from 300-500 depending on the workout that day. To me, it definitely feels like it should be way more but unfortunately it isn't. Hope that helps!!