jayeme Member


  • I'm not sure how healthy they are, but it's better than candy, portable, tasty, and provides necessary energy/nutrients so I think they can definitely be part of a healthy lifestyle. On the subject, I've been trying out new, similar bars and found a really, really delicious one. They're called "Garuka Bars" and they are a…
  • That's crazy paranoid in my opinion, there is someone somewhere saying any kind of food at all is bad for you. If you like tofu, though, and don't want to eat soy, there is hemp tofu. The brand Tempt sells it at Whole Foods, and you can also make your own. The Tempt one is decent. The texture is different from soy tofu but…
  • I live on the second floor of an apartment building. The lady that lives underneath me just throws all kinds of things into the bushes out back - I don't think she realizes I can see her. It's all stuff that decomposes, but it's so weird. Lots of kitchen scraps. I once saw her clean out her cat box out there, just flinging…
  • My favorite most basic thing to do with tempeh: 1. Slice up the whole block into slices about 1/4 inch thick. 2. Put in saucepan, and cover with mushroom broth (or the broth of your choice I guess - I like mushroom). Add a healthy dose of teriyaki sauce. (~1/4 cup? not sure, I don't measure.) 3. Cover. Bring to a boil, and…
    in Tempeh? Comment by jayeme September 2014
  • Vegetarian for 13 years here - I eat a lot of tofu and tempeh. More processed meat substitute products can be good on occasion, too, but I think it's healthier to prepare my own tofu or tempeh. I like tofu in stir fry best, or marinated and baked if you want to put it in a sandwich or salad or something, or scrambled with…
  • I usually have greek yogurt with protein-fortified granola during the week but today I had some extra time so I had a morningstar farms "sausage" patty on a biscuit and a boiled egg. However, I saw this yesterday and I really want to try some of these ideas!…