kristie874 Member


  • Read the info in the links below for clarification. They explain well.
  • Are you doing any exercise? If so, you should be eating those calories, too. If not, you may want to change your goal if you're set at the max of a desired 2 lb per week weight loss. Change it to 1 lb per week and that will allow you more calories while still losing. Be sure you're having snacks throughout the day and try…
  • You can add me as a friend if you'd like. Any time you need support or encouragement send me a message and lean on all of the supportive people here. It really has helped me get as far as I have so far. You can get there!
  • Pop some light microwaveable popcorn and sneak it in!
  • Do you know how many calories you're burning with your workouts? Maybe you're overestimating?
  • Try to eat a protein and a fiber with every meal and snack. These digest more slowly keeping you feeling satisfied longer.
  • Take a moment to take a deep breath and don't let the gain get to you. Your body needs some adjustment time with the new changes you've made. I just started back here a few weeks ago, too, and in the first week, after being super diligent and working my butt off, I gained too. The next week, however, I lost 4 pounds. Make…
  • Good luck! Come here for support! The people here are amazing!
  • Why not weigh it before you cook it so you know how many calories are going into the pan then weigh it after it's cooked. It's still going to have the same number of calories but will weigh a little less. For example, if 1 oz uncooked = 50 calories and that 1 oz weighs 1/2 oz after cooking then that 1/2 oz still has 50…
  • Read the links in my signature. They're very informative and helpful!
  • Check out the links in my signature. They explain eating your exercise calories really well. Eat your exercise calories for the next week and I bet you'll drop a couple pounds!
  • I find that logging here helps me to be more accountable. If you have a bad eating day just move forward. You WILL make better choices next time. You came to the right place for support. This site has been such a help for me! I'll add you as a friend...if you ever need encouragement just shoot me a message! You will get to…
  • The whole "don't eat when your not hungry" thing is a good rule of thumb but that can backfire. If you wait until you're really hungry you'll be much more tempted to overeat. If you eat every few hours your body constantly has food to digest and keeps your metabolism going without crashes. Check out the links in my…
  • Hi there and welcome! Here is a link that includes other links to help you on your journey. The information is priceless and oh-so-helpful! Come here to post any questions, concerns, rants, raves, or whatever you're feeling and you'll find that you'll get amazing support from all of the wonderful people here! Good luck! :)…
  • Same as everyone says above, you need to eat more calories, including your exercise calories. I know that this sounds counterproductive but it works. When I first started I was only eating my 1200 and was okay for a few weeks. After that, though, the weight wasn't coming off. I added in my exercise calories and began…
  • It seems like eating the exercise calories doesn't make any sense but, as ladyhawk says, those posts will really explain it and help you understand. When I first started I lost for the first few weeks then quickly plateaued. Then I added my exercise calories and started dropping 3-4 pounds a week regularly! Even if the…
  • Thanks, guys! Sarah, just stick to it...don't give up. Make sure you're eating enough. When I first started the weight stopped coming off after a few weeks because I was only eating 1200 a day but, when I upped the calories by 300-400 (exercise cals) a day, I started losing 3-4 pounds a week! Not sure where you're at with…
  • If you like the light beers you can try MGD 64 and the others that are similar. If not (I'm a beer snob and prefer the good stuff) just work it into your calories. Make sure you're eating the calories you burn with your workouts, too, or you'll find yourself hitting a plateau quickly. This will also give you extra calories…
  • Holy CRAP! This sounds amazing! I'm definitely making this! THANK YOU!
  • Please read the info in the links in my signature. It's important to eat your exercise calories. Your body needs fuel to function daily and to workout.
  • I just checked out your food diary and you seem to be hovering right around your 1200 calories every day. Are you adding in your workouts? It's very important to eat your workout calories. If you go too low your body will think it's starving, hold onto fat, and use muscle for fuel. With this, you won't lose weight AND the…
  • Try to eat 300 calories at each meal and three 100 calorie snacks each day. If you keep food in your stomach every couple of hours it should help. Also make sure there is fiber and protein in each meal and snack. They take longer to digest, keeping you feeling satisfied longer. Drink a glass of water with each meal and…
  • Welcome! The tools and support of everyone here is amazing!!!
  • Read the links in my signature below so you understand better. Eat your 1200 calories PLUS the workout calories that you burn. Good luck!
  • 500 calories a day is NEVER healthy. Ever. Dangerously low number of calories for one to live off of. The HCG diet also encourages it's followers not to work out because the caloric deficit is already too low. There is no energy there for you to use. You'll burn muscle as your body hangs onto fat for storage as it will…
  • You said that you eat an extra 200 calories on the days that you workout? Are you burning more than 200, though? If so, eat the rest of the exercise calories. That can help.
  • The link at the bottom of my post does a really good job explaining. Let me know if you have more questions and I (along with others, I'm sure) will do my best to help answer. Good luck!
  • It could be, especially with water retention. Are you making sure to eat all of your calories, especially your exercise ones? When we don't, our metabolism slows down and we don't lose. I know that I tend to crave salty foods during my period which leads to even more water retention. You may want to double check that, too.…
  • It's very important to eat your exercise calories. I know it sounds counterproductive but your body needs the energy (calories) to fuel itself. Here's a great explanation...way better than I can do. Check out the other links, too. There is a lot of great info and explanations on this site. Glad you asked!…