

  • Well my husband has never had a problem with weight, he can't understand. He does try to be supportive but motivational is another story. I think he's worried that if he says something I will get upset, and he's probably right :-). So I'm needing someone outside. And I remember what it felt like to work out, it was such a…
  • I did it for the 3 months and lost 30lbs but to be totally honest its something you're going to have to stay on and it gets expensive. As soon as I stopped taking it the pounds gradually started creeping back on. But another thing I found is, I can't stand shakes anymore, of ANY kind, lol. I tried a nutrisystem protein…
    in visalus Comment by Robin2932 April 2013
  • Wow, i'm seeing alot of "suck it up" "deal with it" "your parents failed" really? That's so encouraging, lol. I don't like 99% of vegetables either, I can eat broccoli, green beans, brussel sprouts, and MAYBE green peas IF I have to. But I lost 60 lbs between January and May of last year, not because I incorporated veggies…
  • The workout calendar sounds like a great idea, I use the apps to track everything but I think it would help if I see it every time I wake up :) Thanks for the tip
  • I'm new to the message boards but I actually joined fitness pal about a year ago when I decided to lose the baby weight (my kids were 7 and 9 but sshhh dont tell anyone) Between January of 2012 and May 2012 I lost 60lbs, I went from 262 to 202. Well, I'm not sure what happened around June, I stopped going to the gym,…
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