

  • what gets me is that at size 14 I'm about 180 (5'10") a little chuckier than I like but I was okay. My sister who is 5'1" is a size 14 and huge... which then makes me feel huge. I'm currently over 200 and in 16/18 and trying to loose this 3 yr old baby weight I feel best in about a size 10/12 or 160ish lbs
  • Hi everyone I'm brand new to the group I have lost nearly 25lbs so far but have so much more to go! I would love to meet up with others and get some local people to work out or walk/jog with. I live in bristol and I'm home during the day with my son so mornings and afternoons are best.
  • I'm new to the group (just joined today) but would love to go, I'm working until 1pm and will have to get home to get the husband and kid (2yrs) and then head over so we wouldn't get there until 2pm-ish... would everyone still be there or would it basicly be over?
  • I'm 5'10" and SW226 CW213 my goal is really 160 but if I could get down to my wedding weight of 140 I would be so happy but I think I'll be happy at 150. I just need to lose this. People can't believe I'm over 200lbs since I'm so tall and I'm like no really I'm over 200!
  • My BMI right now is 30 I've lost 13lbs so far and have 52/62 more to go
  • I started at 226 with a goal of 160, possibly 150 once i get closer LOL