

  • We live in Indy so we are diehard Colts fans. The utter spanking by the Texans on us today was humiliating. Trying to be optimistic and looking toward the Giants vs. Colts game next Sunday... Manning vs. Manning...
  • I agree with alot of what people said and make sure you are taking a really good multivitamin each day.
  • If I feel like I might want a snack - I drink a glass of water first and see if I still have a "hunger" -- most of the time I don't. Or - grab a sugar free hard candy to suck on or a stick of gum or a tic tac or something. Seems to work for me. I hope it will for you too.
  • I have high blood pressure and needed to start walking too. My doctor put me on a gradual scale of walking starting out at 15 minutes per day and adding 2-3 minutes each day instead of walking a whole 2 miles right off the bat. After a week of the gradual increase - walking 30-45 minutes per day is easy. I wake up and give…
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