
  • My HRM (Polar FT80) usually estimates a lot lower numbers than the machines. Typically 250 kcals on my HRM and 400 on a treadmill/eliptical. This is, I believe, due to the machine having my age as input only inorder to determine my HRmax, and the corresponding % of estimated HRmax I am exercising in. In my HRM I have…
  • I used to be a heel striker, running with Kayano. For the last 6 years I did not run due to pain in knees, hips, back... I took up running again about 3 months ago with C25K after losing some weight and reaching the "overweight" BMI from above. I was recommended Newton shoes to help me into forefoot/midfoot strike and 180…
  • I have finished week 5 - day 3, that is a 20 minutes run! I did not think it would be possible when I started off - even the one minute intervals were feeling quite hard. It is possible! Part of the reason it felt so hard in the beginning was probably because I was running to fast (not objectively fast, of course, but…
    in Couch to 5k Comment by ChrDG April 2012
  • Congratulations!!!! I would like to run again, but I frequently get pain in my hips/legs/knees after workout at the gym. Been thinking of trying to change my running form to midfoot striking (chi running for example). I wonder if I am too heavy to let go of cushioned shoes (BMI 29,9). At which weight did you start using…
  • I seems like your HRmax is quite a bit higher than the estimated 220-age (you should not be able to sustain 90% of HRmax for a long run). Mine is too - the HRmax I have seen at the end of a 6K event was 15 bpm higher than estimated from 220-age. So I am using this new value as a proxy for my HRmax. My true HRmax could be…
    in Heart Rate ? Comment by ChrDG March 2012
  • You are right that as we get more fit, we will do the same effort at a lower HR. But you have obviously a wrong HRmax set - a 100% HR max is not something you see on your HR monitor every now and then during exercise....
  • The Polar FT7 and FT80 only operates with 3 zones - zone 1: 60-70%, zone 2: 70-80% and zone 3: 80-90%. And yes, the main part of the training should be done in 70-80% (zone 2 for these models)
  • HR max (or VO2 max) should ideally be tested in a laboratory, but that would be very costly. This article is recommended at the Polar forum: You could easily do the described Submax step test or Submax 1-mile walking test (or perhaps one day a 5K race test) - just…
  • Hi, I am a happy Polar FT80 user. The zones are obviously depending on getting your HR max correct. If you do not know your real HRmax, Polar will guess that it is 220 minus your age (220-32=188). The fact that you have seen a value of 182 makes me believe that your HR max is quite a bit higher than 188. Adjusting your…