jpier4 Member


  • I'm in the minority here. I feel that you shouldn't eat 3 hours prior to sleep, however, if you must....make it something high in protein.
  • Some of what I see may have already been posted. (I didn't read everything) but 2 things jumped out at me. First, get some protein in your breakfast. Some egg whites and turkey bacon. Maybe some all natural PB on some wheat toast. Protein helps provide a good feeling of fullness plus supplies the body with an energy boost…
  • Well, first of all Jill, congrats on kicking the smokes! Now my advice on some weight loss. The most important thing IMO is mental. You have to have your mind right. Second is determination. Want to do it. Third is willpower. Those are the hardest things when it comes to a healthy lifestyle. Now onto the easy things. Some…