

  • I quit in January and didn't immediately feel different. However, now that I am drinking more tea and water to replace the fluid intake I lost when I quit the soda, I find I'm drinking more fluids now and feel better as I'm better hydrated. I'm sure everyone's body reacts differently based on lots of factors, including how…
  • I will not weight myself any more frequently than once every two weeks, just because the pounds shouldn't be running off, even though you really want them to. I also try on old jeans once every two or three weeks just to have a better visual of the progress I'm making, and it's very inspiring! Good luck!!
  • My boyfriend is a meat-aholic. If it's got meat, cheese, and carbs, he's all over it. I keep trying to subtly remind him that his family history is going to catch up with his eating habits one day (his family is littered with heart disease). It just drives me nuts because: A) it's hard to be happy with my salad and light…
  • I've learned: 1) How much better you can feel when you stop mindlessly inhaling junk (especially SODA!) 2) What a healthy meal actually looks like 3) How much more I can snack when I'm snacking on the right things!
  • I have to say I'm a bit jealous. Our "food court" is loaded with terrible stuff. There is some healthy stuff in there, but it's usually paired up with some things that rack up the calories and fat fast. There's a ton of temptation, and some of my friends who go to other schools face similar situations. I wish more schools…
  • I'm a fan of a glass of water before a meal to help you eat smaller portions. Honestly it's all portion control and dig for the best options you can find. College food is such a joke, you'd think with the outrageous tuition prices they'd throw us some more veggies or something.
  • For a large part of my battle, food was my comfort. 2 years ago I finally sought out therapy and medication. Personally, the meds made me feel miserable, but I worked with a therapist for almost 5 months and learned some effective personal tools, and it gave me an outlet without receiving awkward pity or judgement (I love…
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