

  • I start every day with a bowl of Kashi Go Lean (just the regular one, not the Crunch or Crisp kind, because it adds too many calories for me). Throw in some fresh strawberries, blueberries or bananas with half a cup of skim milk and I'm full until lunch for around 200 calories. I also love peanut butter on multi grain…
  • This is not true and incredibly insulting to the male gynos. My gyno is a male, not creepy in the least and is the best doctor I've ever had.
  • I'm doing a C25K program as well and I've found that it's best if you can find a stride that feels the most natural to you and then stop thinking about it and just do it. I have longer legs and naturally end up covering more ground and sometimes I feel like I'll burn out trying to keep up that pace but just listen to your…
    in C25K Comment by keb03053 May 2012
  • I've found that, for me personally, fiber intake is a bell curve. Too little, and things stop moving, but also if I get too much, the works shut down and I'll be in severe pain (I have slow motility and bouts of wicked IBS - my GI specialist has actually encouraged me to limit raw vegetables because of this. I can have as…