

  • I'm sure she'd be happy that you are broadcasting that all over the Internet. Perhaps she talks to her friends so much because she can't trust you to keep your mouth shut.
  • I'm disproportionately large in my boobs, too. I wear a full 2 sizes bigger in shirts/dresses than I do in pants. 3 sizes bigger for button down shirts. It's ridiculous. That said, I am nursing right now, so I don't think weight loss is going to help much, or at least not until she weans.
  • I'm sure the 8 year old can pee by himself just fine. I think she is saying that, as a mother, she is not comfortable letting her child walk unattended into a locker room, where there may be sexual predators. Unfortunately, it's something that has to be considered these days.
  • I have a Dreamer Design jogging stroller, which I absolutely LOVE. Unfortunately, this company has closed the stroller division and no longer makes them. You might be able to find one on Craigslist or Ebay or a consignment shop/mom-2-mom sale, though. I highly recommend it if you can find one. I think the model I have is…
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