

  • Mona Vie protein shake is crazy high in protein. By the way I don't sell it and I hate buying it. I am appalled by the prices! But I got some for free and when I ran out I thought I'd just buy some Slim Fast but when I compared the protein content, the Mona Vie had 18 grams and the Slim Fast had - I think - 3 grams for the…
  • 1200 calories is unrealistic for anybody! I have it as my set goal but I'm happy if I'm within 200 calories of it. Have you ever noticed on package labels that percent daily recommended amounts are based on 2200 calorie per day diets? That might be excessive but it gives you an idea of an acceptable range. 1400 to 1600 is…
  • I had perfected my body with diet and exercise, and looked the best I ever had in my entire life, when I found out I was accidentally pregnant with my second child. I gained 75 pounds, which was 60% of my body weight. That was a couple of years ago. Through hard work and determination I lost 65 pounds but through sheer…
  • It isn't just the portion sizes. French people eat real foods, the same as our ancestors ate. Also, they walk a lot because it's so crowded and very few people have cars. They have markets all over the place and buy what they want to eat every day. There is no driving to a massive supermarket once a week to load up on…
  • I looked up karate and what I found said 519 calories. I knocked it down to 450 to factor in time standing there, watching and listening and subtly catching my breath. Jiu Jitsu is a mellower workout, so I put that at 350. I don't sweat in Jiu Jitsu but my muscles ache like crazy afterward. That has to count for something,…
  • I love my dojo! I don't like my town but I can't imagine leaving, mostly because of my dojo. It's very clean, most people are friendly, and senior students help out junior students. Most people are there top learn, not beat people up. And once you sign up for karate the other disciplines are free.
  • What do you train in? Goju-Ryu karate, Ryukyu Kobodo, and jiu jitsu When did you start? 2008 Who inspires you? Gina Carano, because she's beautiful and tough. Lyoto Machida because he uses his mind as much as his body. GSP because he is classy and not afraid to admit his limits. Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so…
  • seafood pork beef smelly cheese (mozzarella is fine) broccoli (actually, most green vegetables) shredded coconut ambrosia cabbage rolls Chinese food of any kind - I don't know if it's grease or MSG but when I eat it I feel like I'm going to die, and that has a way of making the food repulsive no matter how tasty it once was