

  • I don't do dark chocolate either, but I love salty and sweet so if I can find one out my way I will try it. I am being good and eating peanut butter on celery sticks for lunch.........crunch a ya, Dee Dee
  • Pop (soda), chips and chocolate. I do NOT keep them in the house or they are eaten!! :happy:
  • Hi Christine. I love this MFP. I have been on for a little over a month. I, too, have tried every crash diet out there and all I did was CRASH. Now I am counting calories and doing some exercising and feeling much better about myself. I am 61 and have one daughter and one son and 2 grandsons. Life is good and getting…
  • HI. I am taking Cymbalta for the past month and have noticed a world of difference. I was able to stop taking the tramadol with this. I have felt a heat/warmth sensation in the area where I have a bulging disc in my cervical spine area. I asked the doctor about that and he said that Cymbalta can actually heal the nerves. I…
  • Hi....well here I to this group also, 50+ years old with 50+ pounds to lose. Realistically if I can lose 30 more I will be to the weight I was back in 1994, before I had 2 back surgeries and had the diagnosis of fibromyalgia. I am determined to conquer that one. I am happily married with 2 grown children and 2…
  • HI. My family has called me Dee Dee ever since my oldest sister could not say "baby" and Dee Dee stuck, although my mom named me Carolyn when she said she heard Christmas carolers outside her hospital window. I am a happy grandma of two wonderful boys, 4 and 1, one daughter 33 and one son 31, so I am over-the-hill, but…
  • This is a new diagnosis for me, just in the past month. I wondered why I am always tired, cannot sleep at night. I feel that losing weight will be the best avenue for success. Also I am fortunate to work at home doing transcription so when I am overwhelmed I just take a nap and feel refreshed. Sometimes I wonder though if…