Malteaster Member


  • I have lost the 4lb I gained over Christmas but since have gained and lost the same 2lb. I start exercising on a Monday but by Wednesday I find some excuse. I am in much the same mindset as when I come back from vacation that I just can't get back into it.
  • i have between 15lb to 20lb to lose. I was doing well until the end of October when I plateaued. My dad had a cataract operation and going to his house 2 or 3 times a day to do his eyedrops disrupted my routine. I never got back into it due to Christmas. I am trying to get back on track but I am finding it difficult to get…
  • I have just had an eureka moment. I had my macros set at 40c/30p/30f and have never hit them. I honestly never thought of increasing the carb to 45%. Just off to do it.
  • I'm from near Ilkeston.
  • You made me chuckle. You could be describing me. My tip is just get stuck in, even if you just record everything you eat you will see where calories could be saved, it is surprising that some foods I classed as 'diet' were actually high calorie.
  • Thank you for this post. I too gained weight due to a stressful situation, and I have been surprised at how difficult it is to shift now I am over fifty. I had been doing well this year until life turned stressful a fortnight ago. My dad has had cataract surgery and I have been having to drive to his house several times a…
  • I'd not thought of peanut butter in porridge. I will have to try this. I like porridge with a few dried apricots chopped up in it, or with the frozen black forest fruits from aldi.
  • Thanks for the invite. I'm Anne and I live in Derbyshire in the UK. I have two children, a son who is 21 and has just moved back home after university, and a daughter who is 19 and away at uni. I am 53 years old. I have been losing and gaining the same 20lbs for the last 15 years, and it is getting harder to lose it. I had…
  • I like having the discipline of being weighed in at the WW meeting, but love the flexibility of counting calories on MFP, and also fact it is easy to look at the calories on a packet and know whether it is low or not. I have just been having a play around with my propoints calculator, and get 1000 calories to be 26 points.…
  • It's a while since I've been to Nandos but I usually have chicken with the couscous salad which is reasonably low GI. I feel like I have read lots of low GI/GL books since the beginning of the year and I am tending to use the bits that suit me from each. I quite like Nigel Denby's books but he tends to be a bit vague about…