

  • I happen to be a troop leader and have cases upon cases in my car/home. I have not touched a single one!! Instead I eat a granola bar. If you want to buy some to support the troop, donate them or as we had someone do, she asked if she could just donate the money to us.
  • I am in Cleveland and am looking for people closer to home on here. Please feel free to add me!! :wink:
    in Ohio Comment by Sr1023 February 2012
  • I was in a relationship for almost three years and we broke up because of being in different points of our life and the fact that I am VERY outspoken in how I feel about everything. That was in the end of November and since then, I feel like I would almost rather be sad from being alone then to go through the heartache…
  • I agree as well!! I am always looking for like then realize its not there! :smile: Feel free to add me.
  • Thank you for clearing up the NSV mystery!! I was going crazy as well trying to figure it out!! :happy:
  • ZUMBA!! I am a Zumba instructor and I love teaching it and seeing how many people I motivate and how much they are enjoying themselves!! I suggest trying a few Zumba classes. The key is finding the right instructor for you. I hope you decide to try it!! Good luck! :smile:
  • Hello everyone! I am new here as well. I have decided that since my daughter is 9 today, I can no longer use the excuse that I just had a baby. So, about a week ago I started really watching what I eat. Other than that, I teach Zumba 4 times per week so the eating was my main issue. I am looking forward to us all helping…
    in New here Comment by Sr1023 January 2012
  • I am late as well but up for the challenge!! How do I begin?